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Verse 12: “Pick me up and throw me into the sea,” he replied, “and it will become calm. I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you.”
A little bit of Jonah can be found in each of us. Often we don’t want to follow God’s leading because it is uncomfortable. Jonah paid a great prize for his rebellion. Rebellion will always cost. We hope to escape the pressure and responsibilities of life, as Jonah did. What would happen if we stop running and run toward God’s purpose for us.
In Jonah 1, we see the prophet rebelling and in contrast we see the pagans praying. Grace is found “in this storm” for it was a life-changing experience for the captain and sailors.
What if in the storms of life we experience, we decide to stop staring at the storm and focus on our Source. The storms of life are not designed for our destruction but instead to develop us or to direct us to our destiny.
The story of Joseph is an example of God using something bad to bring about good. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and experienced many storms but it ended with his promotion to the second ruler of Egypt and the salvation of his family when famine came.
We often blame the devil for “this storm” but it may be something God allows to reveal His purpose and grace toward us. Think about Job’s story and the storms he endured with the loss of his family & health as well as worthless friends.
Grace can be aggressive. Jesus turned over the tables in the temple as the focus was on money-making and not what the temple was intended to be: a House of Prayer.
Even when “this storm” is our fault because we did something stupid, there is still grace. Romans 8:28 “…we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.”
Remember “this storm” is not meant to be for your destruction but for your development, to bring you to the place God designed you to be. Grace may not always feel good but be confident God is still at work in “in this storm” for your good.