2520 Cherry Street
PO Box 406
Waller, TX 77484
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From majestic hymns that have ministered to so many through the years, to familiar toe-tapping Southern gospel music and contemporary praise & worship choruses, our Worship Service at 10:30 am each Sunday features an inclusive blend of music that comforts us when we are hurting, delights us with the joy of living in Christ, and engages us in the anticipation of the wonders of Heaven. Come join us!
One of the longest continual local mission efforts of WBC is providing a meal and desserts twice a year in partnership with Franklin Baptist Church for students involved in the Texas A & M Baptist Student Union. With each meal, we are reaching approximately 250 students, the majority of whom are from foreign countries, primarily in Asia. Some barely speak English when they begin coming, but they are grateful for the home-cooked meal and they have an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.
Our Bible-based prayer ministry unites the people of WBC in calling on God to direct our work in His earthly Kingdom. Included in our ministry is the care and encouragement of people who come in search of help, healing and rescue. The WBC prayer team stands ready to pray with you for relief from those things that trouble you.
The PowerLine is an email communication that goes out daily or at times of urgency, sharing prayer needs of our members, friends, neighbors and family and of encouraging people to pray. We take seriously the requests we are privileged to receive and for which we fervently pray. It is an exciting and wonderful privilege to participate with God in helping others know of the Holy Spirit’s power for strength, perseverance and long-suffering.
Prayerful people at WBC stand ready to lift your needs to the Lord — around the clock, if needed.