2520 Cherry Street
PO Box 406
Waller, TX 77484
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Defending Freedom…to do what God has told us to do.
Acts 23:11-35
Satan lies and tells us that everything will go smoothly when you are working for God. But the truth is there will be opposition whenever we commit to serve God…to make a difference in the world and for eternity…to share God’s love. Expect it! It validates what God has told us to do when satan comes against us.
There are many examples in the Bible of satan opposing the work of God starting with the Garden of Eden, to Noah, Moses, David, and even the Son of God when He faced the temptation of satan in the wilderness.
In Acts 24, we see the opposition that Paul faces from the Jewish leaders and evil rulers yet all Paul wanted to do was share Christ and the Gospel.
What about us? We too can expect opposition when we choose to serve Christ. We need a plan to get through it and not be deceived by satan when he tells us that God has abandoned us because we are facing opposition. Satan has no trouble with lukewarm Christians but God does. Revelation 3:16: …So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.
What should our game plan be?
Paul was under house arrest for two years but continued to share Christ. Opposition tells us to doubt the goodness of God but we are to shout back with words of trust in God. We serve a powerful good God and we can trust Him no matter what we face in life.