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Bible Text: Mark 3:1-12 | Speaker: Joel Bauler | A Pharisee, A Leper, and A Savior Walk Into A Bar…
Pastor Joel Bauler
Mark 3:1-12
The Pharisees were content to just react to Jesus and His ministry until now. Now they are watching Him and looking for reasons to accuse Him of breaking “their” law. They expect Him to heal the man with the withered hand but according to “their” law, that is not permitted because it is working…and there is no working on the Sabbath. But that is not according to God’s law.
Jesus is not interested in His ministry being a show but still, the crowds followed Him. Why? They followed Him because they desired physical healing and not the spiritual healing that Jesus offered.
The crowd pressed against Jesus, probably some did not smell so good because of illness and lack of opportunities to bathe. How did this affect the disciples? How does it affect those of us who are believers when we are pressed by people? Ministry may not always be pleasant but it is honorable because it is done for God’s glory.
Neither the Pharisees nor the crowd got it right. It was all about earthly issues and not eternal values. They were not like the disciples who were with Jesus and followed Him (verses 13-14).
We should be like the disciples and not limited Jesus to healing of the body only and as a miracle worker. Instead, we should see Jesus as our Savior, who brings spiritual life.
Jesus gave us the Lord’s Prayer and we should live it. First of all, we should direct praise and honor to our Heavenly Father and pray for His will to be done. We should forgive others as we have been forgiven and in order to receive forgiveness.
We should not look at Jesus as the Pharisees and crowds did but as the disciples. He is our Master and we should be willing to follow Him and not limit Him as the Pharisees tried to do.