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“God Loves a Catalyst”
Genesis 1
Observation One: God Loves a catalyst.
God created the heavens and earth with His voice…everything changed. Old Testament Biblical characters such as Moses, Aaron, David, and the prophets were God’s catalysts in their generation. In New Testament times, Jesus was sent by God to be a catalyst…everything changed. The church was established in Acts…everything changed. When Jesus comes back again, everything will change…and that gives us as believers hope and encouragement.
Observation Two: We don’t like a catalyst.
In Biblical times, they didn’t like a catalyst, and neither, do we. Why? It’s upsetting when everything changes, We have a plan. Change brings fear. We like things the way they are.
Application Questions: Do I need a catalyst in my life and am I willing to accept change? Can we be a catalyst in someone else’s life? Does our church need a catalyst? The challenge is to trust God and be open to His catalyst. (WBC is setting up a Catalyst Team. Contact Pastor Blake to become a part of it.)