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Don’t’ Be Nervous, God’s Got a Purpose. The Esther Method.
Jeremiah 29:11
Five Truths From This Scripture: (1) God has a plan. (2) God’s plan includes you!!! (3) God rarely tells us His whole plan. (4) God’s plan will not fail. (5) God’s plan is for His glory and our good.
The Esther Method: (1) Start each day by looking through the “God has a plan” grid. Esther 4:14 For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place…
(2) Ask God what is your plan for me within Your plan. Esther 4:14 And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?
(3) Align yourself with God the best you can. Esther 4:16 Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.
(4) Walk by faith and not by sight. Esther 5:1 On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. The king was sitting on his royal throne in the hall, facing the entrance. When he saw Queen Esther standing in the court, he was pleased with her and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the tip of the scepter.
(5) Be boldly patient. Esther 5:7 Esther replied, “My petition and my request is this…
(6) Repeat daily. Esther 8:3a Esther again pleaded with the king…