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Good God Almighty
The Lord of Hosts
Psalm 23:5
Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
We hear “God loves you” so much that we often take it for granted and don’t respond to it. Or perhaps we feel unworthy of His love. The Psalmist tells us God’s love is extravagant causing our cup to overflow. Mark 2:13-16 shows Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners, revealing His love for everyone.
What causes us to miss the extravagant love of God?
We hear it so much. God loves us totally and unconditionally. Nothing we can do to get more of His love.
I’m not good enough. We are valued because God loves us. God loves you now, not a future you.
I don’t feel God’s love. Feelings are not an accurate measurement of God’s love. Often sin is the issue because we are trying to cover it up, just as Adam & Eve did in the Garden when they hid from God. Sin separates us from God and isolates us from others.
We are already forgiven because Christ paid the penalty for sin on Calvary. Hold on to that truth and never forget:
God loves you!!